


High-speed wire road, on the road-2011 annual advanced manufacturing plant high-speed wire rod plant

        Sitting in the factory office of high-speed wire rod plant, because of too close to the production line, a glass of water vibrates. However, everyone here is used to this kind of fibrillation, likes busy workers in the production line, do not need language to communicate, only a gesture or eyes is able to transfer all the tacit understanding.
        Innovative brand - small factory make a big score
        High-speed wire rod plant named for its high-speed wire rolling. At present, the rolling speed of the high-line plant is stable at 107 m / s, the mill speed up to 10,000 rev / min, which is equivalent to the speed of the aircraft engines, is the maximum speed of the Japanese steel rolling mill, is a high-end level of the domestic wire rod rolling speed. In 2012, high-wire factory plans to steady improve the rolling speed to 108 m/s. The rolling speed increases not only means yield improvement, but also the all-round test of high-line management, personnel quality, process specifications, integrated management level. On the road to the high-speed wire rod, workers are confident.
        High speed wire factory was founded in January 2006, currently has three production lines, has the double module mill of international leading manufacturing company - Italy Danieli company, can produce Φ 5.5-16mm smooth wire, Φ 6.0-14mm screw steel, with an annual output capacity of 2000000 tons, product line covers varieties of four series of --PC steel bar, hard wire, wire and cold heading steel. At present, high-line plant has PC steel bar (30MnSi), 5.5mm specification wire and the weight of products and C72DA hose wire and other high-end wire products, PC steel bar products in the industry have the industry's important position, become the country's largest 30MnSi production base. The products are widely used in national key projects, such as Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail, Zhengzhou-Xi'an high-speed rail.
        In 2011, wire products created 32% of the group benefit, the benefits of tons of steel is in the first position in the rolling line system for two consecutive years. High-speed wire plant was named 2011 annual advanced manufacturing plant of Rizhao Steel group; all high-line workers achieved endless pride.
        Success - timely advantage card
        If a company can have multiple products, adjust product structure at any time in accordance with changing market situation, in necessary, play their "advantage card", will be able to have sufficient market competition, and achieve development in the changing market environment. This is why the high-speed wire rod plant can achieve success.
        In 2008, with the impact of international financial crisis, the domestic market demand downturn, carbon steel profits decreased. In order to achieve the company quality, breed, benefit development road of high speed wire rod mill, the factory did good varieties of steel development technology base and accumulation, and began to try rolling section steel. In 2010, the plant successfully played this "advantage card"-30MnSi, the highest product sales reached 60,000 tons / month, domestic market share of 30%. With this product, high-wire factory added a new profit growth point for the company, created a new starting point for the development of the road of varieties of Rizhao Steel.
        In 2011, in order to further enrich the varieties of steel, the factory timely played the second "advantage card" - hard-line series of 5.5-6.5mm specifications, C72DA which is difficult to produce, successfully broke into the domestic high-end hose wire business. The end of 2011 early 2012, high-wire factory has developed a cold heading of 35K, 22A.
        In May 2012, the factory successfully developed ∮ 7mm specifications export rod, in June, ∮ 6mm small size of screw steel successfully developed, wire and hard wire level further improved.
        At present, high-thread factory will soon be experimenting rolling strand 82B products, in the future there are more high-end wire products are waiting for the exploration.
        The successful development of products built a high-speed wire plant varieties library, they will at any time based on market orders issued to the third, fourth "advantage card".
        Entrepreneurial spirit - at all times maintain the tension
        Each production line, from the on-line debugging to put into operation, each one have been difficult to explore the process, numerous builders paid a lot of effort and sweat. The high-wire factory workers fully understood.
        In July 2006, after the high-wire factory put into operation, because at the design and construction reasons, the production equipment happened, did not have the basic functionality, had a lot of equipment problems, three production lines can not meet production goals, which were known as the company largest difficulty. In order to solve the problem, in that year, all workers, day and night, conducted a total of 106 transformations, including transformation process, thermal, mechanical, electrical, water treatment, and engineering professional. Through technical innovation, curbed the situation of frequent accidents, and changed the status of high-wire factory equipment, ultimately, three production line achieved the production goals  in March 2007. Until December 2007, the three lines operating rate exceeded 90%, reached the national advanced level.
        The most difficult thing was frequent change of specification on a production line. However, at the beginning of varieties of steel production, because of orders less, the high frequency to change specifications can hardly be avoided. Time is not fixed, sometimes in the middle of the night for the 5.5specifications, high speed wire rod mill management staff and front-line workers strived to solve the problems. The factory not only overcomes the disadvantages of high frequency for varieties of steel, ensure standardization of technology and full operation, but also steadily improve the product yield and quality.
        Sustainable development, strengthen the construction of talent team
        The talent is to do all the work of the fundamental. In February, a heated workshop workers found the workshop director Zhao Hanwei, expressed the idea of leaving, Zhao Hanwei talked with the workers for two hours, when the workers come out from the office, he did not want to leave the factory, and did a very good performance in the future. The high-line plant in the following ways to strengthen the development of qualified personnel:
        First, using the career to nurture talents. Through the development of new varieties and technological transformation project, young workers took to the forefront of production technology, given the stage of the employees to display their individual talents, discover and nurture talents.
        Second is to retain talent by feelings. Some young workers are easy to be in impulsive state, without careful consideration, choose to follow the trend of departure. Some of them enter other companies without basic social welfare; some workers can not find a job……Most of departing workers want back to Rizhao Steel, but personnel management regulations do not allow workers the second entry, they can only regret the former decision. In the monthly meeting, management staff analyzes the current economic situation, do ideological work, use vivid examples to educate staff, obtain a good result.
        The goal that the main industry breaks the "thin, fine" is clear, facing with the future, the factory manager of the factory Yu Weidong makes a detailed development plan: clear responsibility, and give full play to the initiative and creativity of the staff at all levels, gather hearts together; process optimization, stable production, increase production levels, make ∮5.5mm Specifications daily production level reach more than 1300 tons; pay close attention to the sevice management, completely resolve mill lubrication system water problems, purification of oil to meet the lubrication requirements, and improve the roll box, cone tank life and online life cycle, reduce spare parts consumption; increase efforts to develop the varieties of steel, according to market demand, timely develop and produce high benifit products, improve the varieties of steel production levels and product quality, achieve specialization, serialization, and branding of the varieties of steel production.